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JetDrive 520

Introducing our new JetDrive SSD upgrade kit for the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro with Retina display. Complete with tools, instructions, ...

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JetDrive 520

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Macbook Air SSD 升級創見JetDrive 520

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Transcend 480GB JetDrive 520 SATAIII 6Gbs Solid State ...

Stop fretting about storage space. Transcend's JetDrive SSD upgrade kit offers up to 960GB of storage capacity. Upgrading your Mac to a JetDrive SSD ensures you ...

Transcend 960GB JetDrive 520 SATAIII 6Gbs 固態硬碟 ...

Running out of storage space? Stop fretting about storage space. Transcend's JetDrive SSD upgrade kit offers up to 960GB of storage capacity.

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